
“You can either be bitter or you get better. It’s that simple.  You either take what has been dealt to you and allow it to make you a better person, or you allow it to tear you down. The CHOICE does not belong with fate, it BELONGS TO YOU!”

My mom shared this quote with me a few months ago. I wrote it on a sticky note and placed it in my planner. I came across the quote again this week while reflecting on my year.  While reading it over and over and over again, I realized I have been pretty negative lately.  It opened my eyes to show me that there will always be something trying to make me bitter. It is up to ME to make that bitter situation a better situation.

Lately, things have been going great. However, I have had my fair share of bad days.  I am  really trying to see the light in each situation and not making it darker by thinking about what went wrong.  This is EXTREMELY difficult!!  For now I have to take it step-by-step…day-by-day…hour-by-hour..and if all else fails…minute-by-minute.

It is that time in the semester when everyone is fed up with so much. (You know what I am talking about :)) You can barely put up with yourself and you zone in on things that wouldn’t normally bother you. Keep pushing through.

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